Monday, April 23, 2012

Euthanasia and Christianity

         The majority of Christians are opposed to euthanasia. It is the general opinion of Christians that life originates from God, and that it ultimately should be God’s decision when life ends. Christian doctrine teaches that humans were created in God’s image and that He is the author of human life; undergoing euthanasia could be considered an act of defiance (Euthanasia It additionally, is taught in the Bible that murder of an innocent person is wrong, despite any circumstances, and while it is debatable whether or not euthanasia is actually murder, many Christians believe that the doctor performing this act for the patient is in fact committing a sin in doing so. Many Christians also believe that the time right before death is a very spiritual time and should be used to grow closer with God. By undergoing euthanasia, one is taking this spiritual time and tainting it with the act of ending a life (BBC News, 2009).
         Suicide is only mentioned in the Old Testament of The Bible twice. In neither case is this act done due to physical suffering and in neither instance is there commentary on this action (Religion Facts). This lack of specific examples leads to much ambiguity on the matter and leaves much of this argument to speculation. This lack of concreteness about the issue could influence an elderly Christian’s perspective on undergoing this procedure. On one hand it could make them less willing to use this avenue due to the opposition to euthanasia in the Christian community. On the other hand, an elderly Christian who was in chronic pain could perceive this as a lack of definite ruling and could be more likely to go ahead with this procedure than an elderly person who’s religion concretely discouraged such actions.

"Euthanasia and Assisted Dying." BBC News. BBC, 08 Mar. 2009. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. <>.
"Euthanasia and Christianity:Christian Views of Euthanasia and Suicide." Religion Facts. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. <>.
"What Are Christian Perspectives on Euthanasia and Physician-assisted Suicide?" Euthanasia. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. <>.

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